Our world-class 教师 are conducting innovative research to help you reimagine teaching. You'll receive guidance and mentoring to achieve success in the classroom while taking on practical, real-world experiences to build the confidence and skills you'll need after graduation.

另外, our human services programs provide the knowledge and skills to positively impact individuals and communities through a comprehensive, 跨学科的方法.

With extended locations throughout the 达拉斯-Fort Worth metroplex and our growing online degree program offerings, you're sure to find the perfect program that fits your busy life.



Male teacher in elementary classroom.


Continue our legacy of exceptionalism! Our students have a 97% pass rate on initial statewide teacher certification examinations.

Female teacher instructing young student.


Gain real-world, on-the-job educator training through our partnerships with local school districts.



Develop your social work and counseling skills through practicum courses and internships.

Male 教师 member speaking to class.


Learn from world-class 教师 conducting innovative educational research.

A&移动商务 护理 and 健康科学s building.

State-of-the-art 护理 and 健康科学s Building

With modern classrooms and multiple laboratories for research, the 护理 and 健康科学s building houses our nursing, 人体力学, 营养 and wellness and kinesiology programs, as well as the Biomedical Institute for Regenerative 研究.

Young lady on exercise bike with ventilator tube measuring oxygen levels.


Gain hands-on health and human performance knowledge in our 人类行为实验室 and other advanced-technology facilities.

Two students share a hug side-by-side while posing for a photo.
Two women sitting in counseling session.


我们为您提供信息, guidance and specialized services toward achieving your academic and career goals.


Current tuition fees for an under研究生 taking 12 credit hours are $4,德州居民212美元,外加9美元,非居民108英镑.

学杂费 研究生 student in the 学院 教育及公共服务 taking nine credit hours are $3,德州居民820美元,外加7美元,非居民500英镑.



Dr. DeMarquis海耶斯 assists in managing and leading human services program initiatives within the 学院 教育及公共服务.

As a school psychologist in the 达拉斯 Independent School District who originated from Memphis, 田纳西州, 德马奎斯·海耶斯博士.D., thought 达拉斯 would be a two- to five-year stop. All these years later, he still loves being in Texas. Hayes enjoys working in academia and has been at A&2012年以来的移动商务. He takes great pride in training school psychologists who make a difference in the lives of children and families daily. During his downtime, Hayes enjoys exercising with his wife at Camp Gladiator. He played high school football and ran track, competing in 110m high hurdles on a team that won back-to-back state championships!



凯瑟琳·迪克森博士.D., is a former elementary bilingual educator. She earned her doctorate in literacy and language studies with a minor in curriculum and instruction at the University of North Texas in 2014. Dixon is not only assistant dean for the 学院 教育及公共服务 at A&移动商务, but also serves as an associate professor in the Department of 课程与教学, teaching under研究生 and 研究生 reading courses.

Literature Reviews in 教育及公共服务

The 学院 教育及公共服务 at A&移动商务是 Literature Reviews in 教育及公共服务 (LREHS), 同行评审, 开放获取, electronic journal that serves as a repository for high-quality literature reviews of myriad topics in education and human services. The vision is to serve as an invaluable learning resource for students, 教师, 学者, 管理者和决策者.


  • 护理 健康科学 Building, 310
  • P.O. 3011箱
  • 商务,德克萨斯州75429-3011